AMC was good to me. But here is my bet for Friday June 18th
The Ape Army is still trying to bet AMC higher.
After being on the short side of AMC in the beginning I reversed my position and went long the next day and caught the up rise.
We had some losing plays too. But all over all I came out bigly.
What is the situation??
- The Apes are fighting but many left the battle field. The trading volume was about IN AVERAGE 94 MILLION SHARES A DAY when the battle started. Since then the run is up to 156 million shares in average a day. Huge trade volume increase. But now the trade volume barely makes it to the average. In the beginning the average was taken within the first hour or two. Now they are struggling to reach 40% of that volume.
- We have to understand how this works. Most Apes buy CALLs to drive the price up. And they are cheap, Apes with no clue. The higher the leverage the better they think. Get rich quick or get broke quicker is their MO.
When they buy a call the MARKET MAKER who is selling the call to you covers his SHORT call with AMC shares, he buys them and holds them. A so called COVERED CALL. This is more demand and drives the price up. - But we can see even the Apes are still pumping long calls into AMC they seem not be able to break the first resistance level. And they have to break it to succeed. Remember, it is a squeeze where they bid the price higher of a shorted bad stock of a bankrupt company. They hope that the interest paid for hedge funds that are short on AMC will be too much to bear. They hope the hedge funds will get margin calls and have to put more money in their accounts to stay in the game. Like Poker, LOL. And their final hope is that they run out of money or the pain of holding a losing position will become too big to bear so that the hedge funds start buying back their short position for a loss and hence ALSO driving the price up to the moon. Their game plan
What will happen tomorrow, why tomorrow?
Lets have a look at the option trades.
These here are the strongest Resistance levels to break to get AMC higher. Can they do it? See option spread sheet I get from
Here are the numbers. About 30,000,000.00 Dollars will be flushed out of the market tomorrow. Friday is Option Expiration Day! The Market Maker will sit on 10.5 million shares that made them good money. They might start selling them to cash in on Profit. At the same time PUT options also will expire and the Market makers are holding the other end of the trade, too. They are short on the stock and have to buy it back.
Why not selling 10.5 million shares and cashing in? The price will drop and then buying back the short position for the expiring PUTs at a lower price??
Now here comes the PUT side and their levels. There are another 7.2 million free floating shares that need to be bought back. And another 13.5 million Dollars at risk if the APE Army can breach higher. But the $50 and $45 Dollar are the strongest support levels that need to be flushed out to have AMC in free fall.
How will the day today End?
AMC took the $60 Level. Can they hold it? Volume reaches above average 200 million shares traded! Seems like they coming back. AMC made 12% today. While the rest of the market seems down or flat except Apple and hence the QQQs, AMC is up, too. I closed a few trades. Times are tougher now since the market is confused due to inflation numbers and no tapering of the FMOC, and letting inflation rise. It is only transitional, they say. We will see.
- We could jump in and buy a CALL since we believe in the Planet of the Apes, no I dont.
- We could buy Puts at the 55 Level, or 50 and hope they will fail tomorrow. But if they breach $70 Level the stampede might be on and more Apes will join the frenzy.
- As it looks now the 60 Calls will be sold back to the Market Maker for a little profit. They need to get out or they will lose all their money, 30 million Dollars.
- If so, the Market Maker will start selling shares since they got back the option and start dropping the price. Remember, tomorrow is Option Expiration Date!! It will be volatile.
- The question will be: how many apes will join the early fight and jump in to buy the shares or CALLS? Will there be enough?
- Volatility in the AMC options are around 300%, which means they are getting extreme expensive. Volatility drives prices up. Can they afford them?
- A PUT option at the money, costs you 17.75 times 100 shares!!!
- The same for a CALL 22 days to expiration.
- The other option we have is staying out of AMC and to SHORT IWM, the Russel 2000 Small Cap ETF. They are the biggest holder of AMC with 5%. And with a sluggish market we could have a good chance of succeeding since there WILL BE A HUGE MOVE in the market tomorrow and AMC could drag the IMW down.
- The same ATM option for IWM cost you only 3.80 x 100 shares and the volatility is about 20%. Much cheaper. It will not have the same profit potential but less risky if you like risk at all.
- These options should be bought at the end of the day, in the next 2 hours, when the volatility is reduced. The first 30 minutes tomorrow will be flushed with Investment Bank orders and will be volatile, too.