I didnt make my money yet but I am confident that the Market Maker will drop their shares and so the price.

A lot happened this week. The apes lost their battle to “Go to the moon, bro!” The failed in “giving it to the boomer, dude”. Jump in and get rich quick.

The options expired for this Friday and it was not the Strike of $65 I was thinking they might conquer BUT they only ended up at a closing price of $54. This means the Market Maker could keep the price way below $65 and in an area where they made a huge profit.

This here was my concern that the Market Maker will lose a lot of money and i was short on the stock!!! This calculation is based on the $65 level in AMC. But they won the battle to close at $54. My Strike Price for the long PUT is $50 and I think AMC will drop to $40.

Since I am short on AMC, waiting for the collapse of the stock, I prayed to the Market Maker to do the work for me. I knew they would like to keep the price under $55 and above $50. This would be the best case scenario for them.

Here is the loss they had to incur IF, IF, IF AMC would have closed at 65 as I was thinking. Market Maker would have lost 250 million Dollars today. But they could keep the price at $54 and made a 500 Million Dollar profit today, instead. Good job! So the naïve investor, the First Timer  “I am new to investing, what shall I do?” and the “Get Rich Quick” scheme, the dumb money lost a lot today! 500 million Dollar!!

Here the potential loss of the MM.

Here the actual profit of the MM by the end of the trading day.

And when you take a look at the charts and see how it moves you know that the Apes were out of steam very quickly. You can see that the trading volume went from 750 Million shares a day to 68 million, less than 10%. It declined over time. The first two days the hype was great that the smart Apes ate their dumb cousins bananas. And so did the market maker. If you are too late to the game you buy from those who are already leaving and selling their position. You buy theirs at a overpriced value they cash in and you pay for it. “Stick it to the man, bro”, “The stock will go to the moon, bro”. Bull crap.

What a fun battle. I am still short with a PUT. And now that the Apes went bankrupt or under or are just tired and look somewhere else since they cannot effort the option prices anymore, I am still short and wait for the final price drop of the Market Makers. They are not shareholder and hence dont want to keep the shares. They make their profit with the slippage or the spread in the market. Great week! Fantastic story.

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