The Ape Army fell short today, again.
Where did all the apes go?
They left the battle since three days. More bananas on other trees?
The trading volume of the Ape Army leveled at 40% of the average volume today. Far less than I expected. This is their last day today before Judgement Day. As I said they had to come up with 250 million trades but made only 70 million. Thus, I consider this week for AMC done. The Market Maker Sweet Spot moved slightly from $40-38 to $38-35. At $38-35 closing of the week it will have the Market Maker paying out about 5.6 million Dollars. At $33 it would be $11 million so they will stay above that and at $40 it rapidly goes up in costs for them. They will stay below that. Range trading tomorrow as today and Friday will be closing at around 35-36.
IF IF IF the apes will not come up with 200 million Dollars. And who takes a long position on Call options with 1 day expiration?? Lotto 6/49, just 10 times so expensive.
There are about 80,000 Calls at play (Open Interests) of which 57,400 will expire this Friday. These carry a value of about 85 million Dollars for the Market Maker.
BTW, AMC MM are mostly from Goldman and Sachs. The Ape Army contributed enormously to their Q2 earning report! Congratulations!
The Put Volume of Open interests is about 52,000 contracts of which 36,000 expire this Friday. These carry about 34 million Dollars for the MM.
The upper Resistance Level sits at $50 still with only 9,000 call contracts.
The resistance at $40 consist of about 12,000 contracts only. This was much higher in the past. The steam seems to be out.
The support ZONE starts at $35 with 6,000 contracts (600,000 shares), $34 with 6,000 and $32 with 5,000. This support level is a little stretched out and hence I call it a zone.
Today came 23,000 PUTs and 15,000 CALLs new into the game. This means the wind is turning. The CPR is 155%, for every bought Call option today, there were 1.55 Puts bought. Interesting to note! But also here the Avenger Apes do the mistake to buy lottery tickets, 3 days of expiration or max one week. You cannot win a battle without commitment. We flush them all down the toilet on Friday. The only hedges I see are still placed at the $20 with 6,500 contracts as insurance for an AMC collapse for stock holders, Married Puts.
CPR for this week is at 59.6%. Call to Put Ratio next week so far will be 69.5%, which looks bearish to me. But this can and will change on Tuesday.
If you are an Avenger Ape you should buy PUTs At the Money (ATM) and not 5 or 10 Dollars lower. The MM sitting on so many shares now that they dont even have to short AMC when you buy a put! But they have much less short positions at that level than log positions due to the fact that the apes pumped a lot of Call Options into the market with… Lo and behold…. one week expiration. Not so many puts. Thus, the resistance is lighter to the down side.
They just try to keep the stock in a range. The market maker still makes money on commission and slippage.
Remember, when you buy a call the MM buys the underlaying asset, but he already has all the shares from the last three weeks. You just pay him commission to take part in the lottery, but he doesnt spend any money. If the price drops too low he buys back his shorts, if it gets too high he sells AMC.
AMC will stay under $39 and closing at $37 for tomorrow and closing the week at $35- 36 if the Apes dont come up with truck loads of money. That we will see.
The Hedgies are prepared now. They learn quickly. Get your popcorn ready.
BTW, all the data I collect are publicly available. Learn basic Excel and analyze the data. But this requires some effort and success is not guaranteed. 90% of trading is research and data collection und only 10% is clicking buttons.