Various Blogs

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For all the secret followers of us. Life has a new chapter, true. And those who follow are doing it for their own reasons. What am I doing?

  1. With every post I do I drain my brain. I wake up early and do this Hedge Fund Manager Course for 6 months. It is better than a bachelor’s degree in economics since a title doesnt generate any real money. I am on the computer all day and most of the time until late at 1 a.m. In order to digest the day I write posts. We dont watch TV. CNN or MSNBC are not allowed in our house. No cable TV or radio. No liberal talk. Fck off commies. Thus, become self-reliant.
  2. I want to document the journey for my children and grand children. The painstaking effort to succeed. The hard work it takes. Too tired to stay awake. Too many thoughts in your head to sleep. Two steps forward and one back. And all the Know-Betters who try to hold you down and to discourage you. They are like crabs that pull each other back into the cooking pot. The many mistakes I did in my life and recovery. Breaking with old structures, “friends”, and organizations. More than once. The help you get from unexpected sources when in prison. Thank you still. The new generation is so weak.
    If you dont like it you can block or mute me. Remember you came here to read it. I did not ask you to do so.
  3. I want to inspire others that you can change your life for the better. You can stop doing drugs, smoking or drinking. You just need a boot camp. Something so gigantic in thought that it is too heavy for you to pick up. Something you must dig yourself into so deeply that there is only the new way and nothing else. This will change your mind and thought and hence your way. No rope to hold you back on the old tracks. Cut the rope! For all those who looking for a new way of life find something that inspires you so much that it becomes a sweet hobby, and you become the very meticulous fanatic of it. I have done it four times. It is always good! You have to leave everything behind and start new. Leave your tribal habits behind, stop talking your native language, move far, break with friends. Thoroughly to clean the house? No, tear it down and rebuild it better.

In all of this my wife is the real El Commandante of the voyage, the cornerstone of the foundation. She knows how to read the map of life. She knows to spot the dangerous cliffs even in the mist and fog. She knows all the lighthouses along the coast and islands. She can hear the whispering sound of gossip and envy, the lowest level of communication, talking about others to compare. The sound of roaches competing for food. The sound of Crickets chirping for self-pity.
She knows every harbor to ride out the storm along the journey. She is my anchor and the guiding hand to new lands at the same time. She is the real captain. Her tongue is sharp. 

I am just the XO who has to report the investments to her. The progress. I have to provide the BETA calculations of the Spread trades, document the weekly profit or losses. What is the ISM this month? The GDP? I have to find new trade ideas and draw the lines into the map. She sets the destination, I make sure we follow the course. She will enforce the rules on board and gives directions. Prepare for the exam. 

Our communication becomes very specific. Away from talking about events and what happened on the other side of the world since I deleted all TV and radio over 10 years ago. The 2nd level of talk between people. Delete it. Background noise as she will say.

Our communication is about how to better our business and what we need to do to go forward. What are the exact steps, how much money is needed. How to get it. When? Dont do Do-Dads. Pay off CCs. Where to get investors. Where we going to be 12 months from now. Covid helps. No more bars, No more travel, dont waste your time, dont spend any money. good! It was a very successful year.

Then there are the deeper talks, level 4. Nobody will follow you here. It is beyond people’s comprehension. It is Chinese in English. Not Chinglish but Engnese. Video apps and sound studio. Camera angle and light emissions. Marketing of ecommerce or videos. 
It is the specific talk about option strategies and what companies to short. What to expect from Cobalt mining. What is Acceleware doing? How far are they with their “breakthrough” technology? Will we visit Marwayne in Saskatchewan? Will they get bought out? Do we still trade an Iron Condor?
There are endless opportunities at hand nowadays, and all information you need are right in front of you for FREE! The world is a super treasure trough. 

The question is, what are you willing to do to get somewhere you want to be? Autopilot or learn flying. 
So this is going on and my head is full. If you value your time, how much does it make you when you wasting your time? Time is limited and so are real friends. We value both. But the roaches will eat each other. Crickets will chirp all night long.

Enjoy the ride with us or be silent on the sideline. Your choice as always. I dont care.


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